The Constitutional monarchy of the United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and is surrounded by water, having a land border only with Ireland. The capital of the UK is London, a city with a leading presence in global business, finance, art and culture and a diverse range of people among its …
5 things I wish I knew before: Returning to my home country You hear all about the benefits of studying abroad: widening your perspective, learning a new language, becoming more independent, etc. And it’s all true! BUT. Only a few international students realise that the years spent abroad might get in the way of their …
If your salsa moves do not get any better after a couple of caipirinhas, you can always try your luck on the work floor. To reach this goal, this infographic will give you a short introduction about how to be at your best in business related situations in Brazil. Don’t sit back, don’t relax, …
Canada is the world’s second largest country, with its ten provinces bordering the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean. With a long tradition of immigration and an inflow of population accounting to 60% of the total population growth, Canada has created an ethnically and culturally diverse society. This infographic will walk you through the basics …
5 things I wish I knew before: My Skype interview So you’ve been job-searching and applying like a pro and just chalked up your first Skype interview. Any job interview can be stressful, but for some people interviewing via Skype is a completely unknown territory, thus an even more nerve racking experience. A Skype interview …
Work Culture Abroad: 5 Countries at a Glance When it comes to working abroad one thing is certain: culture matters and understanding its role in a foreign workplace is the key to your happiness and success! Below, you look back at 5 infographics, put together by, describing the work culture abroad in 5 different …
5 things I wish I knew before: Starting my job hunt I am sure you would not be surprised if I told you that searching for a job in today’s job market can be an overwhelming and exhausting experience. If you are about to enter the job hunting arena, the bitter truth is that the …
With a surface area larger than Pluto, Russia is by far the world’s largest country. Host to a variety of peoples, cultures and languages, Russia is just as diverse as it is large. Through political upheaval and ever-changing economic fortunes, Russia perseveres as one of the world’s leading powers. This infographic will walk you through …
Germany has the fifth largest economy in the world and is often known as the economic engine of Europe. Despite the scale and diversity of the German economy, it has a common and very well defined business culture. It is one in which blending in can prove beneficial in your business endeavors with the Germans, …
Learn from the mistakes of others. If you want to know how to do something well, you need to know what not to do! This is as true of personal branding as anything else. Below are 5 common mistakes that can easily be avoided. Keeping them in mind will help you to stand out and …