South Korea – torn apart after a national war in the 1950s – now is the 11th biggest economy in the world with state-of-the-art technologies and a dynamic, buoyant atmosphere. South Korea’s economy is still growing, turning it into quite a desirable expat hub. Are you looking for a job in South Korea? Then continue …
3 Reasons why your job interview fails Finally! You’ve managed to land that job interview. CareerProfessor would like to share its credo with you: Do not underestimate the power of preparation. There is nothing worse for an employer to conduct an interview with someone who does not really know what he or she is doing …
3 Reasons why your international job hunt fails Starting your international job hunt might not seem like a huge deal, but be aware of rookie mistakes! These are the three most common mistakes one can make when job hunting internationally. Looks familiar? You did not culturally adapt your CV to the country you’re applying in …
5 things I wish I knew before: Choosing my internship There are just a few people who know exactly what they want to do with their careers even before they graduate. And then, there is everyone else, walking towards graduation like a cave fish that has just been born. Choosing the right internship, however, is …
5 things I wish I knew before: Writing my cover letter So now that your CV is in its best possible shape, a new challenging task follows… your cover letter. Your cover letter is the perfect opportunity to market your skills and interests to a potential recruiter. This is your chance to shine with showing …
South Africa: the country of wildlife, Nelson Mandela, rugby, and a good old braai. With its rich cultural history, and eleven official languages it is probably one of the countries with the largest cultural diversity in the world. To know how to survive in this colourful melting pot, this info graphic will help you …
5 things I wish I knew before: Sending my CV The time has come to start writing (or updating) your CV and you already feel confused and disheartened. We can’t blame you, as it is no secret that the art of CV writing is hard to master. Investing long hours on crafting a document which might …
The Constitutional monarchy of the United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and is surrounded by water, having a land border only with Ireland. The capital of the UK is London, a city with a leading presence in global business, finance, art and culture and a diverse range of people among its …
5 things I wish I knew before: Returning to my home country You hear all about the benefits of studying abroad: widening your perspective, learning a new language, becoming more independent, etc. And it’s all true! BUT. Only a few international students realise that the years spent abroad might get in the way of their …
If your salsa moves do not get any better after a couple of caipirinhas, you can always try your luck on the work floor. To reach this goal, this infographic will give you a short introduction about how to be at your best in business related situations in Brazil. Don’t sit back, don’t relax, …