If your salsa moves do not get any better after a couple of caipirinhas, you can always try your luck on the work floor. To reach this goal, this CareerProfessor.works infographic will give you a short introduction about how to be at your best in business related situations in Brazil. Don’t sit back, don’t relax, and Bem-vindo ao Brasil! Click here for a legend of the infographic.

The majority of Brazilian companies know a vertical hierarchical organization form; decisions are made top down. Except for the boss, everybody is someone’s subordinate. Key decisions are made at the top level. When doing business in a Brazilian enterprise, it is important to know the corporate structure. It helps making business decisions effective and efficient.
Decision Making
Because of the vertical hierarchical organisation form of most companies in Brazil, decisions are made top-down. The most important decisions are made at the senior level. A good warm-up of the conversation will lead to a more successful business meeting. Personal relationships and trust are important in Brazilian business. Making an effort to get to know your counterpart will be much appreciated and more effective. Yet, do keep in mind that the hierarchical structure should not be undermined.
Time Perception
The unofficial rule is that being 5 to 10 minutes late in Brazil is OK. It is good to know, though, that being on time yourself is much appreciated. For social events it is not uncommon to arrive approximately 30 minutes late. Working hours are usually from 8.30/9.00 to 6 pm. If you like to make an appointment, it is best to do this during business hours.
Even though Brazilians are short-term oriented, appointments are made about 15 days in advance. Do not try to plan appointments too far in the future. If things do not work out, there is always room for changes in the schedule. Brazilians are not only flexible in the hips – but also with regards to their agenda.
Dress Code
Appearance is probably more important in Brazil than anywhere else in the world. Plastic surgery is very popular, and showing off (your buttocks) is not a problem. But no worries; you are on the work floor, not on the beach. Hence, no facelift is needed prior to a business lunch, but you do have to pay attention to your appearance. Brazilians have an eye for detail when it comes to clothing and looks. Dress appropriately and professional. In the more northern regions the dress code is less formal. It is best to wear light clothing (cotton) due to the warm temperatures.
Emma Cornelis,
CareerProfessor.works team
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