5 things I wish I knew before: Sending my CV
The time has come to start writing (or updating) your CV and you already feel confused and disheartened. We can’t blame you, as it is no secret that the art of CV writing is hard to master. Investing long hours on crafting a document which might be tossed away in only 5 seconds is certainly no fun. But fear not dear reader! This blog will take you through 5 important CV rules, which will help you create a CV that will make recruiters happy and curious to read more about you.
1. Follow the KISS principle: Keep it short and simple
Stay on 1 to 2 (full) pages max and offer recruiters the information they are looking for quick and fast. Avoid lengthy paragraphs, but break information up into short and sharp bullet points. Make it as easy as possible for the reader to navigate through your experiences by keeping your sections organized and divided in a clear way.
2. The devil is in the details
Having one headline bolded and another italicized could actually sabotage your chances. Make sure to keep the elements of your CV consistent. By doing so, you are not only improving your CV’s readability and accessibility, but you are also showing your attention to detail and professionalism.
3. Spelling mistakes: An instant deal-breaker
This cannot be stressed enough – even the tiniest spelling or grammar error is death to your CV. Before sending your final document, take some time to run a spell-check through it and proofread it. Another good idea is to use an online spell-check programme or to print it out and ask a friend to look over it in detail for the final check.
4. Add some flair (in moderation)
The way your CV is formatted and designed reveals so much about you, your skills and individuality. Make your CV speak in a more personal tone and stand out from the rest by adding a touch of creativity, maybe with discreet design elements or a splash of colour. Be careful not to overdo it though!
5. There is no such thing as ‘one size fits all’
Never forget that when you apply for a specific job, you should always tailor your CV so that it emphasises the information about you that is most relevant to the job you are applying for. Make sure to read the job description very carefully and to address most of the sought-after skills of the position on your CV.
Try keeping those 5 tips in mind before sending out your application. These are small but important steps that will maximize the chances of your CV rising to the top!
Going to have a Skype interview soon? Here are 5 tips to ace it!
Sevasti Christoforou,
CareerProfessor.works team
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