Country Profiles

CareerProfessor Country Profiles

Looking for a job and working in a global job market sounds like an adventure, and it certainly is, but it needs some preparation to be successful. offers employability and career information for over 40 countries that will help students become winning applicants and succeed in their careers at home and abroad.
All country profiles offer information on the following topics:

  • Top 5 of the largest companies
  • Strong employability skills for that country (and what they entail)
  • Important sectors (with Corona update)
  • Business culture
  • Cultural tips
  • Job Hunting
  • Graduation Level & Age
  • Graduate starting salary
  • Internships
  • CV Sample with tips on how a CV or Resume should look for that country to be (most) successful and get you invited for the job interview

Countries represented in


1. Australia
2. Austria
3. Belgium
4. Brazil
5. Canada
6. China
7. Columbia
8. Denmark
9. Finland
10. France
11. Germany
12. Greece
13. Iceland
14. India
15. Indonesia
16. International organizations
17. Ireland
18. Italy
19.  Japan
20. Luxembourg

21. Malaysia
22. Mexico
23. Netherlands
24. New Zealand
25. Nigeria
26. Norway
27. Poland
28. Portugal
29. Russia
30. Singapore
31. South Africa
32. South Korea
33. Spain
34. Sweden
35. Switzerland
36. Taiwan
37. Turkey
38. United Arab Emirates
39. United Kingdom
40. United States of America
41. Vietnam

Latest Country Profiles

Included in each country profile are key facts about current trends and jobs in the industry, advice about seeking employment and for making a successful application, cultural tips and more!


Taiwan has witnessed far-reaching development over the last few decades, becoming one of the fastest-growing economies in Asia.



Nigeria has been working towards a more positive economic climate over recent years and lately, job hunting involves heavy competition.


The South Korean job market is highly competitive, however, ongoing support for foreign students who aim to stay in South Korea stands paramount.



Malaysia has been a trade hub for many centuries due to its location close to the Strait of Malacca shipping lane, and its abundance of natural resources.


Colombia is an important factor in the region, with quite a diverse economy that is, however, vital to the prosperity of Central and South America.


As an economy that has grown fast during the past decades, Vietnam offers many diverse employment opportunities for international job-seekers.