South Korea CV Sample

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Set out your goals and objectives for your future employer. In this way it is clear why you are applying for the job. Obviously, it is important to format this according to the vacancy you are applying for.


List your experience in reversed chronological order. Also, add awards and honorary rewards if present.


List your educational experience in reversed chronological order. Do not add unnecessary details, but do add study abroad experience and scholarships and grades. Also, it is not uncommon to list your high school experience.


If you would prepare a Korean CV in the Korean language, you would not add references. However, as an international job seeker it can make sense to add references. If you decide to go for them, it is better to make them readily available than to mention you have them available upon request. Do not be surprised if the Korean recruitment officer directly contacts one of your previous employers


Try and limit your South Korean CV to one page.


You can also list your skills in the introductory part of your CV, but is has to quickly touched upon. If you think it is too long to mention it at the beginning, you can also list it in its separate section. Do remember: A South Korean CV should be clear and organised.


It may seem weird, but listing your hobbies under personal details is recommended. It may not be extremely important, and has no real meaning, but it gives you a chance to describe yourself in one word to the Korean recruitment officer.


Korean companies might often use application forms. If they ask for a Korean resume or CV (terms are used interchangeably), they want a document that lists the basic facts. In that case, do not put extra details, these are considered irrelevant. Just list: where you studies, what you studied and your study results.