International Organisations CV Sample page 2


This section is not necessary in all CVs, destined for international organisations. However, if you are applying for a job at the UN, it is obligatory to add this. Always double check whether or not you should include this part in your CV/resume.


Use the CEFRL – the Common European Framework of References for Languages – when applying for a job at an international organisation. It functions as a guideline for learners of foreign languages that describe the achievements that one has made in learning a language. It is used across Europe, and is more often being picked up by other countries. Visit: to find out more about the meaning and application of this framework. It is not necessary to framework your native language.


When you list skills and qualifications, it is important to only note relevant experiences in order of importance. In this case, mention your positions as team captain for the university team, it shows that you are able to work in a team and that you have developed leadership skills.

Other Experiences

It is important to list extracurricular experiences, if relevant. Travel experiences are good, but make clear what it helped you gain.


In this section you list your publications. In the example the reference is set up in APA style. It is necessary to check and adjust the style of the reference according to the wished of the organisation.