France CV Sample
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Yes, having a CV in French will enhance your chances of getting hired. Only when the application is in English, you can get by with an English language version of your CV.
A French CV is either in reversed chronological order, or functional order (activities grouped thematically). Choose one style and stick to it.
Usually you give your age instead of your date of birth.
Although not obligatory a photo is recommended. Pay attention to select a good looking, and professional, photo.
Career Objective
Often a French CV includes a ‘Projet Professionel.’ This is a rather precise description in a few lines of what you hope to achieve, in line with your education and skills, in your career in a period of several years. It is a little more elaborate than a career objective as the time span for achieving it is also slightly longer.
Under work experience you have to mention the exact job description and the responsibilities you have had.
Only mention the highest diplomas you have obtained, but bear in mind the French ‘love’ education! And as such can appreciate a thorough academic background. Flash it, when you have it!