Mexico CV Sample
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Lying is of course not allowed in CVs or Resumes anywhere, but you do have to ‘sell’ your experience to your prospective Mexican employer. Hence, if you have answered phones, mentioned this as “handling inquiries from clients and suppliers”. It often helps if you use SAR: Situation, Action and Results. You can add a sentence: "Client Services, implementing continuous improvement processes and increasing budget marks efficiency by 15%".
Personal Details
Your personal details are often provided in the centre of the page. A picture is for sure not an oblgatory part of the CV, however, if requested, or if you truly like it, you can add a picture though. But make sure it is a professional picture!
Professional Objectives
In this part you explain in one or two sentences what your personal and/or professional objectives are. In this way, you can express your motivation to your future employer.
Work Experience
To show your professional skills, you can mention your work experience before education. Volunteer work is an important part of the resume, as it is an extracurricular activity that shows persistence, empathy and interest. Do not hesitate to list this under work experience.
Education is highly valued; list your educational achievements, including awards and descriptions of all courses and training sessions.
When working abroad it is important to learn the local language. It shows interest, and you will get to know the local culture better. If you are submitting your CV in Spanish, have it checked by a native speaker as punctuation and grammar can be different.
Being passionate about your hobbies or other extracurricular activities can give you extra credit in interviews. Avoid the expression of negative emotions.
1 Page
Aim to have max 1 page CV.